SRX10890957: WGS sequencing of Astragalus complanatus: Leaf tissue
1 ILLUMINA (HiSeq X Ten) run: 25.9M spots, 7.8G bases, 2.5Gb downloads
Design: The present study aims to sequence (especially chloroplast) genomes for a group of medicinal plants. These genomic data would facilitate their quick identification and their natural resource evaluation.
Submitted by: Xi'an University of Posts and Telecommunications
WGS sequencing of medicinal plants in Chinashow Abstracthide AbstractWe aim to sequence a series of medicinal plants in China using high-throughput sequencing technology.
Name: H3J75DMXX_L1_1
Instrument: HiSeq X Ten
Strategy: WGS
Selection: RANDOM
Layout: PAIRED
1 run, 25.9M spots, 7.8G bases, 2.5Gb